Am Ghít

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Am Ghít

Amgid was a king among the Jaredites, a civilization that is chronicled in the Book of Mormon, mainly in the Book of Ether. His rule is noted during a particularly tumultuous period when the kingdom was in a state of division. The record, sparse on details regarding his governance or policies, nonetheless conveys a prolonged struggle for power characterizing his tenure as monarch.

His conflict with Com, identified as the son of Coriantum, signified a notable period in Jaredite history. Com succeeded in establishing dominion over half of the kingdom and maintained his rule over that portion for forty-two years. After this extended duration, Com confronted Amgid in a series of battles that spanned many years. The persistent warfare ultimately culminated in Com gaining the upper hand over Amgid and seizing control over the entirety of the kingdom (Ether 10:32). Amgid’s reign ended with this defeat, and he was effectively deposed, resulting in Com’s complete rulership over the Jaredite people.

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