Am Ma Rôn

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Am Ma Rôn

Ammaron was a Nephite record keeper who played a pivotal role in preserving the sacred records of his people during a tumultuous period marked by the rise of the Gadianton robbers and widespread wickedness. He assumed the responsibility of maintaining the historical records around AD 306, continuing a lineage of record keepers that included his great-grandfather Nephi, grandfather Nephi, father Amos, and brother Amos. At the time of his stewardship, the Nephites were under the domination of the Gadianton robbers, with the exception of the disciples of Jesus Christ (4 Nephi 1:46-47).

In AD 320, constrained by the Holy Ghost, Ammaron carefully hid all the sacred records with the intent that they would eventually be revealed to the remnant of the house of Jacob. This commission was carried out with the understanding that the records were to be safeguarded for future generations, fulfilling the prophecies and promises of the Lord (4 Nephi 1:48-49). Foreseeing the imminent collapse of his civilization and the importance of these sacred records, Ammaron sought out a young boy named Mormon. At approximately ten years of age, Mormon exhibited qualities that impressed Ammaron, prompting him to instruct the boy to retrieve the plates of Nephi from the hill Shim when he reached the age of twenty-four and to continue the historical record (Mormon 1:2-3). This directive successfully set the stage for Mormon to later fulfill his destiny as the one who would compile and abridge what is now known as the Book of Mormon.

Ultimately, Ammaron’s actions ensured the preservation of the Nephites’ historical and spiritual legacy, bridging the gap between past and future generations (Mormon 2:17). Through his wisdom and obedience to divine promptings, Ammaron contributed significantly to the works that provide spiritual insight and knowledge to countless individuals to this day.

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