Những tù nhân Ammonihah

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Những tù nhân Ammonihah

During a period of significant conflict between the Nephites and the Lamanites, a group known as the Ammonihah prisoners emerged from the narrative within the Book of Mormon as victims of warfare and societal upheaval. These individuals were Nephite citizens residing in or around the city of Ammonihah when they were captured and taken into the wilderness by invading Lamanite forces. The exact circumstances of their imprisonment and the conditions they faced while held captive are not detailed; however, their plight was significant enough to prompt military action for their recovery.

The citizens of Ammonihah, known for their earlier rejection and persecution of the prophet Alma and his companion Amulek, experienced a devastating attack by the Lamanites, which resulted in the taking of these prisoners (Alma 16:2-3). In response to this crisis, the chief captain of the Nephite armies, Zoram, alongside his sons Lehi and Aha, sought the guidance of Alma, who was not only the high priest but also known to possess the spirit of prophecy, to determine the Lord’s will regarding a rescue attempt (Alma 16:5).

Following divine revelation, the Nephite forces led by Zoram located and successfully engaged the Lamanite army, scattering and driving them into the wilderness (Alma 16:6-7). Notably, the Nephite rescue operation proved to be extraordinarily successful, as they recovered all of the captive individuals without the loss of a single soul. The Ammonihah prisoners were liberated from their Lamanite captors and safely returned to possess their own lands, an event that underscores the protective hand of the Lord over his people in the face of adversity (Alma 16:8). Their experience stands as a testament to the consequences of wickedness that befell Ammonihah as well as the mercy and deliverance extended by God to those in bondage.

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