Dân Am Mô Ni Ha

Công dân cứng lòng của thành phố Am Mô Ni Ha

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Dân Am Mô Ni Ha

The Ammonihahites were a group of Nephite apostates known for their wickedness, who resided in the city of Ammonihah during the time of Alma the Younger’s ministry. This city was located near the borders of the land of Zarahemla. The majority of Ammonihah’s inhabitants adhered to the order of Nehor, a dissenter’s teachings which opposed the principles of repentance and accountability for sin. This way of belief led the Ammonihahites to embrace a hedonistic lifestyle, prioritizing temporal pleasures and rejecting the consequences of their actions (Alma 15:15).

These Nephites were markedly influenced by the adversary, as noted when “Satan had gotten great hold upon the hearts of the people of the city of Ammonihah” (Alma 8:9). This stronghold manifested in their repeated refusal to heed the calls for repentance issued by prophets sent by God, including Alma and his companion Amulek. Their resistance was not only vocal but escalated to violent measures against those who converted to the gospel and stood by the prophetic messages.

In their pride, the Ammonihahites proclaimed that their city was too mighty to fall, yet they were proven tragically wrong. Prophecy foretold the city’s downfall, which came to pass without delay; in 81 BC, a Lamanite offensive led to the total destruction of Ammonihah and its obstinate inhabitants. “And thus ended the eleventh year of the judges... and the people of Ammonihah were destroyed; yea, every living soul of the Ammonihahites was destroyed, and also their great city, which they said God could not destroy, because of its greatness” (Alma 16:9). This event stands as a testament to the peril of impenitence and the certainty of prophetic warnings.

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