Cô Rôm

Vua Gia Rết thời giữa

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Cô Rôm

Corom, a middle Jaredite king, was known for his righteous reign over his people. The son of King Levi, he ascended the throne as part of a peaceful transition, anointed by his father to be king (Ether 10:16). His reign was characterized by adherence to the principles that were pleasing in the sight of the Lord, mirroring the righteous leadership of his father. His governance was such that it facilitated the prosperity of the Jaredite nation, as he continued to perform good in the eyes of the Lord throughout his tenure as king.

In addition to his kingly duties, Corom was a family man, fathering many sons and daughters during his lifetime (Ether 10:17). His longevity allowed him to witness many days before passing away, a testament to his favorable rule in the eyes of the divine and his people alike. After his death, following Jaredite custom, his son Kish succeeded him as king. Corom’s impact as a leader who pursued the path of righteousness set a standard for those who followed, leaving a legacy of devotion and prosperity (Ether 10:17).

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