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Ghê Đê Ôn

Gideon was a notable figure in Nephite history, recognized for his strong leadership skills and his unwavering opposition to wickedness. His initial emergence into Nephite affairs was marked by his resistance to the tyrannical governance of King Noah, against whom he led a revolt. Gideon’s loyalty to the principles of righteousness was apparent as he went so far as to confront King Noah directly, nearly taking his life. However, in a pivotal moment when the Lamanites attacked, Gideon spared Noah, acknowledging a greater threat to their people (Mosiah 19:4-11).

Continuing his role as a military leader, he served as a captain under King Limhi, Noah’s less despotic successor. In this capacity, he displayed diplomatic acumen, helping Limhi respond wisely to a complex situation involving the Lamanite accusation that the Nephite people had kidnapped their daughters. Gideon proposed the true culprits were the former King Noah’s priests, averting potential disaster (Mosiah 20:17-22). Further exhibiting his strategic ingenuity, Gideon was instrumental in orchestrating a plan to elude Lamanite subjugation by incapacitating their guards, liberating his people from bondage (Mosiah 22:3-9).

In his later years, Gideon took up the mantle of a teacher in the church of God, at a time when the land was being administered by Alma as the chief judge. His dedication to truth was steadfast, as he boldly contested the heretical teachings of Nehor, actively refuting his ideas with the words of God (Alma 1:7-8). Despite his advanced years, his zeal for protecting the integrity of the gospel led to a deadly confrontation in which Nehor, enraged at being opposed, took Gideon’s life (Alma 1:9). His legacy was honored among the Nephites, who named a land, a valley, and a city in remembrance of his righteous service (Alma 2:20; 6:7). Gideon’s example remains emblematic of the ideals of faith, courage, and fidelity to God’s commandments.

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