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Ghi Ghi Đô Na

Gidgiddonah was a Nephite military commander, distinguished enough to be mentioned by Mormon in the Book of Mormon’s grim record of the final and devastating battle at Cumorah. In the year AD 385, during this culminating conflict between the Nephites and Lamanites, Gidgiddonah led a contingent of ten thousand men. His leadership, however, came to a tragic end as he, along with his entire force, perished in battle. The loss of Gidgiddonah and his soldiers is recounted succinctly yet powerfully in the text: “And behold, the ten thousand of Gidgiddonah had fallen, and he also in the midst” (Mormon 6:13). This passage underscores the vast scale of the catastrophe that befell the Nephite nation, as Gidgiddonah was among ten distinct commanders, each overseeing ten thousand of their own, all of whom met the same fate on that fateful day. The mention of Gidgiddonah and his troops serves as a testament to the devastating toll of the battle of Cumorah and the near-extinction of the Nephite people.

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