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Heth was a figure in the Jaredite lineage recorded in the Book of Ether, where his life is briefly accounted for. He was the son of Hearthom, born during a period when his father and predecessors were held in captivity (Ether 10:31). Heth’s life was marked by this state of bondage, and it is chronicled that he, too, “lived in captivity all his days” (Ether 10:31), signifying that his life was spent under the control of an oppressive power, and he was not able to secure freedom for himself or his lineage.

Despite the adversity of living in captivity, Heth continued the Jaredite line, fathering Aaron, who subsequently remained in captivity throughout his life as well. This pattern of captivity continued through the generations with his grandson Amnigaddah and his great-grandson Coriantum also living and dying without the taste of freedom. It was not until the birth of his great-great-grandson Com that the chains of captivity were finally broken (Ether 10:31). Heth’s life and the continuous cycle of captivity he and his descendants experienced serve as a somber narrative within the Jaredite history, emphasizing the long-lasting consequences of political struggles and conflicts on individual families and lineages.

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