Gia Rết¹

Người sáng lập Gia Rết

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Gia Rết¹

Jared was a pivotal figure in the early history of the Jaredite nation, emerging at a time of great upheaval during the confounding of languages at the Tower of Babel (Ether 1:33). Recognizing the profound favor his brother found in the eyes of the Lord, Jared implored him to petition that their language not be confounded so that they may understand each other’s words. His requests were expanded to include their friends, ultimately leading to a larger group maintaining a common language under divine compassion (Ether 1:34-37).

Further demonstrating his role as a leader, Jared urged his brother to seek divine guidance regarding their future journeys, expressing a deep-seated yearning for a promised land, which was fulfilled as the Lord commanded them to gather their flocks, families, and provisions, and led them to a fertile, northward valley (Ether 1:38-43). In time, Jared, his brother, and their companions embarked on a remarkable voyage, crossing many waters and eventually sojourning by the seashore at a place they named Moriancumer (Ether 2:13), where they dwelt for four years.

As their journey continued, they built barges and crossed the great sea under tumultuous conditions to reach the promised land, praising the Lord for His tender mercies upon their arrival (Ether 6:4-12). Jared’s lineage included four sons, Jacom, Gilgah, Mahah, and Orihah, and eight daughters; his progeny expanded the Jaredite population as they settled in their new home (Ether 6:14, 20). Although characterized as a benevolent leader, his acquiescence to the people’s demand for a king, despite his brother’s forewarning, set a precedent that would later challenge the Jaredite society (Ether 6:22-24). Jared lived a life marked by divine favor, migration, and the founding of a civilization, passing away after fulfilling his role in establishing his people in the promised land (Ether 6:29).

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