Giê Nê Am

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Giê Nê Am

Jeneum was a Nephite military commander known for his role in the last and epic conflict between the Nephites and Lamanites at the hill Cumorah. In approximately AD 385, he, along with his force of ten thousand soldiers, fell in battle. The grim record of Jeneum’s death alongside other valiant leaders, such as Lamah, Gilgal, and Limhah, culminates the tragic narrative of a once mighty Nephite nation succumbing to overwhelming Lamanite forces. This catastrophic event not only led to the loss of numerous lives, including that of Jeneum and his ten thousand, but also marked the near annihilation of the Nephite civilization, as documented by the prophet-historian Mormon who sorrowfully enumerated the fallen commanders in his abridgment of the Nephite records (Mormon 6:14). The account of Jeneum and his ten thousand captures a pivotal moment in the Book of Mormon narrative, emphasizing the devastating consequences of prolonged conflict and the end of an era.

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