Chúa Giê Su Ky Tô

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Chúa Giê Su Ky Tô

Jesus Christ, also known by various sacred titles such as the Messiah, the Holy One of Israel, and the Redeemer, is central to the narrative and theology of the Book of Mormon. Prophesied throughout the scriptures as the one who would perform an atoning sacrifice for humanity, He is the Son of God, the Creator, and the Savior of the world. Prefigured by prophets like Moses, who spoke of a great prophet to come (Deuteronomy 18:15-19; 1 Nephi 22:21; 3 Nephi 20:23), and attested by Promised Land prophets, Jesus Christ’s ministry and atonement are pivotal to the covenant relationship between God and His children.

In the Book of Mormon, Christ’s mortal life, death, and resurrection are prophesied in detail (1 Nephi 11:18; Alma 7:10; Mosiah 3:8), with precise teachings about the need for repentance and obedience to His commandments to receive redemption (Alma 11:33-37; Helaman 5:10). His birth was to be a sign to the peoples of the earth of His divine mission (1 Nephi 10:4), and His name was proclaimed as Jesus Christ, reflecting His divine filiation and anointed role (2 Nephi 25:19).

Christ’s post-resurrection appearance to the inhabitants of the Promised Land, recorded in 3 Nephi, embodies the culmination of His teachings and loving interactions with His followers. Jesus Christ, clothed in a white robe, descended from heaven (3 Nephi 11:8), and with wounds in His hands, feet, and side as testament to His crucifixion, invited the multitude to feel of them and witness that He was indeed the one who had been lifted up on the cross (3 Nephi 11:13-15). His discourse on doctrines of faith, baptism, and the reception of the Holy Ghost (3 Nephi 11:31-41), alongside His sermon, paralleling the Sermon on the Mount, laid the foundational principles for living a life grounded in His gospel.

He established His church among the people, instructed His disciples on the administration of the sacraments (3 Nephi 18:1-12), and emphasized the necessity of enduring to the end in faithfulness to inherit eternal life (3 Nephi 27:13-21). Moreover, as a tender shepherd tending to His flock, He healed the sick (3 Nephi 17:7), blessed the little children (3 Nephi 17:21), and prayed for the people, revealing the depths of His compassion and the personal nature of His ministry (3 Nephi 17:14-20).

The Book of Mormon affirms that Jesus Christ is the light and life of the world, a beacon of hope, and a source of salvation for all who come unto Him (3 Nephi 9:11; 11:11). His teachings continue to invite all to partake of the love of God, access the power of atonement, and enter into the fulness of joy afforded by His grace and everlasting gospel.

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