Giô Tham

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Giô Tham

Jotham, the son of Uzziah, served as king of Judah and was the father of Ahaz, who succeeded him. His reign is noted to have begun in 758 BC and ended in 742 BC. The Book of Mormon makes reference to Jotham in the context of the prophecies of Isaiah. Nephi, the son of Lehi, includes writings from Isaiah on the plates of brass, which detail events from the reign of Jotham. In 2 Nephi 17:1, the backdrop of a Syro-Ephraimite war is provided, noting that Rezin king of Syria and Pekah king of Israel rose against Jerusalem during the days of Ahaz the son of Jotham.

Jotham’s rule is characterized in Judaic records as just, aligning with the principles of righteousness set by the Lord. During his tenure, he upheld the integrity of his kingdom despite the turbulent political climate of the time, marked by encroaching foreign powers and internal instability. His leadership extended Judah’s period of prosperity and religious adherence, building on the foundation laid by his predecessors. His efforts contributed to the legacy of Judah, leaving a mark on the history of his people and meriting his mention in both biblical and Book of Mormon accounts.

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