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Lib was a late Jaredite king, notable for attaining his throne through the clandestine mechanisms of secret combinations, characteristic of societal decay in Jaredite records. His physically imposing stature was unrivaled among his contemporaries, marking him as a man distinct in physical prowess (Ether 14:10). Lib’s rise to power was marked by the murder of his predecessor, an act emblematic of the widespread moral corruption facilitated by these secret societies.

As king, Lib faced significant military challenges, particularly from Coriantumr, a contender for the throne and the central figure in the final conflict among the Jaredites. Coriantumr engaged Lib in combat, and despite being wounded by Lib, they retained the strength and strategy to counteract. Three distinct battles between these leaders are recorded, with Lib initially causing Coriantumr’s forces to retreat (Ether 14:11-15). Nonetheless, their relentless pursuit continued until Coriantumr eventually defeated and killed Lib on the plains of Agosh (Ether 14:16).

With Lib’s demise, leadership fell to his brother Shiz, who perpetuated the devastating civil strife that was to be the eventual downfall of the Jaredite civilization.ONENT

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