Lim Ha

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Lim Ha

Limhah was a Nephite military commander who played a significant role in the final conflicts between the Nephites and Lamanites. He is noted for his leadership in what would be the last great battle fought by his people at the hill Cumorah. In a tragic culmination of warfare and bloodshed, Limhah and his legion, comprising ten thousand men, were among the many who were slain in this cataclysmic event. The record, as presented in the Book of Mormon, briefly acknowledges Limhah’s fall alongside other Nephite leaders, each at the head of ten thousand of their warriors, highlighting the extensive loss of life and the decimation of the Nephite armies (Mormon 6:14). The stark brevity with which Limhah is mentioned serves to underscore the severity and scale of the Nephites’ defeat and the subsequent end of Nephite civilization as it then existed.

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