Lim Hê

Chiến binh Nê Phi

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Lim Hê

Limher was a Nephite soldier known for his role as a spy during the conflict with the Amlicites, a group of Nephite dissenters, and the Lamanite army. In the year 87 BC, amidst the troubling dissensions stirring within the newly established reign of the judges, Alma—who served as both the high priest and the first chief judge of the Nephites—appointed Limher and his companions, Zeram, Amnor, and Manti, to scout the movements of the Amlicites, led by the rebel Amlici.

These spies fulfilled their mission with the dangerous task of monitoring the Amlicite encampment and movements. Their diligence led to a crucial discovery: not only had the Amlicites established a camp, but they had also joined forces with a substantial Lamanite army. Limher, along with his fellow spies, returned hastily to report their findings to Alma (Alma 2:21-22). This intelligence proved pivotal, for it prompted a swift and strategic response from the Nephite forces.

The urgency of the situation was grave, as the combined force of Amlicites and Lamanites was pressing upon the Nephite inhabitants, threatening slaughter and conquest (Alma 2:23-25). However, forewarned by Limher and his comrades, the Nephites were diverted from normal activities to prepare for the defense of their families and their freedom. As a direct result of the intelligence Limher helped to gather, the Nephites were able to rally their forces and repel the invaders, prevailing in what would be remembered as a fierce and consequential battle. Limher’s contribution as a spy was instrumental to the Nephite victory, helping to preserve their lives and liberties during a pivotal moment in their history.

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