Ma Tô Ni

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Ma Tô Ni

Mathoni was one of the twelve disciples handpicked by Jesus Christ during His visit to the inhabitants of the Promised Land following His resurrection. His calling is significant, as he was selected to minister and provide guidance to the Nephites as a special witness of Jesus Christ. Recorded details about Mathoni are sparse, but his name is mentioned specifically in conjunction with his ministry as one of the chosen disciples (3 Nephi 19:4).

While the particulars of Mathoni’s life and individual contributions are not extensively detailed in the Book of Mormon, it is inferred that he was intimately involved in the establishment and growth of the Church of Christ among the Nephite people. He was likely present when Jesus delivered the Sermon at the Temple (3 Nephi 12:1) and would have participated alongside his fellow disciples in the miraculous events and teachings that took place during this sacred period. Mathoni, through his dedication and service, would have been an example and pillar of faith to those seeking to follow the Savior.

Furthermore, Mathoni’s brother, Mathonihah, is also mentioned as one of the twelve disciples (3 Nephi 19:4), suggesting a family lineage of commitment and faithfulness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As a member of Christ’s chosen twelve, Mathoni would have received the promise to enter into the presence of Christ and would have been endowed with the power to perform miracles, teach the gospel, and administer in Christ’s name (3 Nephi 28:3). Through his service and devotion, Mathoni contributed to the spiritual foundation of the people and played a vital role in the spread of the Savior’s teachings among the Nephites.

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