Ma Tô Ni Ha

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Ma Tô Ni Ha

Mathonihah, a figure of the Promised Landn scripture, was among the chosen twelve disciples called by Jesus Christ to minister to the Nephites after His resurrection. Not much is known about his personal life other than his association with his brother, Mathoni. Both are listed among the disciples who were called to serve and spread the teachings of Christ to the Nephite civilization (3 Nephi 19:4). Mathonihah, as a disciple, would have held a position of considerable importance in the nascent church established by Christ in the Promised Land, likely contributing to the governance of the church and the dissemination of its doctrines among the people.

It is inferred that Mathonihah was present at numerous significant events alongside other disciples. He would have been one of those gathered at the appearance of Jesus Christ to the Nephites, where Christ delivered a version of the Sermon on the Mount (3 Nephi 12:1), and at later occasions when Christ instructed the multitude, including the declaration of the fulfillment of the law of Moses (3 Nephi 28:3). Although the details of his life and service are scarce, Mathonihah’s role as one of the twelve disciples signifies his dedication to the teachings of Jesus and his instrumental work in leading the early Christian church among his people.

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