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Những người đến từ quốc gia Medea

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The Medes, inhabitants of the ancient country of Medea, are briefly mentioned in the Book of Mormon during a prophetic discourse by the prophet Isaiah, which is quoted by Nephi. The context of this mention relates to the Lord’s declaration of judgment upon Babylon, indicating that he would “stir up the Medes against them” (2 Nephi 23:17). This expression of divine intervention using the Medes highlights their role as an instrument of God’s retribution, where their lack of desire for silver and gold reflects their motivation not rooted in plunder but in the fulfillment of the divine directive. This singular reference to the Medes in the Book of Mormon connects to a broader historical context where the Medes and the subsequent Medo-Persian empire were significant in shaping the events of the ancient Near East.

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