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Người nổi loạn Gia Rết, kẻ lật đổ Mô Rôn

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In the tumultuous period of the Jaredite civilization, during the era of pervasive secret combinations seeking dominion and wealth, a figure known simply as a “mighty man” emerged. His ascent to power is set against the backdrop of these clandestine organizations, which threatened the stability of the Jaredite society. This mighty man, leveraging his influence within the realms of the secret combinations, led a rebellion against Moron, who was the reigning monarch at the time. The insurrection was significant enough to succeed in toppling half of Moron’s kingdom, which the mighty man controlled for a subsequent number of years (Ether 11:15).

However, the precise identity of this mighty man remains undisclosed, as do the details of his rule and his ultimate fate. Nonetheless, the chronicling of the Jaredite record indicates that his influence was formidable at the time, indicative of a leader adept in both strategy and command.

Subsequently, there arose “another mighty man,” who was stated to be a descendant of the brother of Jared, one of the principal ancestors of the Jaredite people. This individual, sharing the epithet of being a mighty man, instigated another coup, once again overpowering Moron. The aftermath of this conquest relegated Moron to spend the remainder of his life in captivity. It is in the shadow of these tumultuous events that Moron’s son, Coriantor, inherited the rulership of the fragmented Jaredite nation (Ether 11:17). The legacy of these mighty men is etched into Jaredite history as a testament to the period’s volatility and the perilous outcomes of power struggles underpinned by secretive covenants and ambitions.

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