Mô Ri An Tôn²

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Mô Ri An Tôn²

Morianton was a Nephite landowner and leader who created a significant uprising during the time of the judges when peace had been briefly cultivated under the stewardship of Captain Moroni (Alma 50:23). In approximately 68 BC, Morianton and the people of the area that bore his name became contentious over a land dispute with the inhabitants of the neighboring land of Lehi. Rather than seeking a peaceful resolution, Morianton chose aggression, prompting the people of Lehi to flee and seek protection from Moroni (Alma 50:25-27).

Concerned about the possible retaliatory actions from Captain Moroni, Morianton schemed to translocate his people northward. This plan, however, was thwarted by the actions of a maid servant who, after being severely beaten by Morianton, escaped and divulged the plot to Captain Moroni (Alma 50:30-31). Foreseeing the dangerous implications of Morianton’s proposed exodus, Moroni dispatched an army led by the valiant Teancum to intercept Morianton’s followers.

The subsequent confrontation between Teancum’s forces and the people of Morianton resulted in a violent clash in which Morianton was slain by Teancum himself, effectively quelling the rebellion and allowing the repentant followers of Morianton to be restored to their lands upon committing to uphold peace with their neighbors (Alma 50:35-36). The situation highlighted the swift and decisive action taken to preserve the fragile peace and unity among the Nephite society.

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