Mơ Lô Ki

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Mơ Lô Ki

Muloki was a Nephite missionary contemporary with the sons of Mosiah, who engaged in preaching the gospel among the Lamanites starting around 90 BC. Notably associated with Aaron, Muloki’s initial activities include his efforts in the village of Ani-Anti where he, alongside his fellow missionary Ammah, contended with many about the word of God, though their message was met with rejection (Alma 21:11). Undeterred by the lack of reception, Muloki and his companions moved on to the land of Middoni.

In Middoni, Muloki, Aaron, and Ammah were imprisoned, suffering extreme hardships including hunger, thirst, and physical abuse (Alma 20:2; 21:13). Their dedication to their faith and calling was evident in the way they endured these tribulations. Their release from incarceration was secured by the intercessions of Ammon and King Lamoni, who were moved by the afflictions of the imprisoned missionaries (Alma 20:28-30; 21:14).

Following their release, Muloki’s commitment to his missionary work did not waver. Alongside his fellow laborers, he traveled and preached tirelessly “whithersoever they were led by the Spirit of the Lord,” particularly focusing on synagogues of the Amalekites and other gatherings of the Lamanites where they were permitted to speak (Alma 21:16). The zeal and fidelity exhibited by Muloki contributed to the spiritual conversion of many Lamanites, bringing them to a knowledge of the truth and swaying them from incorrect traditions.

The mission of Muloki, as recorded, stands as a testament to his resilience and dedication to the teachings of Jesus Christ. His ministry, characterized by significant challenges and steadfast perseverance, made a lasting impact on the religious landscape among the Nephite and Lamanite populations of his time.

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