Ôm Nê

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Ôm Nê

Omner was a son of King Mosiah, a distinction he shared with his brothers Ammon, Aaron, and Himni. Originally, Omner was known for his resistance to the teachings of the Church, engaging in efforts to undermine and destroy it (Mosiah 27:8-10). His life, however, took a significant turn after a divine intervention wherein an angel appeared to him and his companions, leading to his profound conversion.

Omner’s commitment to rectifying his past wrongs saw him and his siblings become powerful advocates for the gospel, dedicating themselves to missionary work among the Nephite and Lamanite populations. His decision, along with his brothers’, to reject the Nephite throne in favor of missionary work reflects his deep dedication to spiritual matters over temporal power (Mosiah 28:1-10).

The missionary journey undertaken by Omner and his brothers lasted fourteen years and led them to the land of Nephi, among the Lamanites, where they encountered significant challenges and persecution. Despite these trials, their efforts were met with great success, converting thousands and establishing strong foundations of faith among those they taught (Alma 23:1-3; 25:17; 26:29-30).

Omner exhibited a sound understanding of the gospel principles, a gift he harnessed by diligently studying the scriptures and engaging in much prayer and fasting. This preparation endowed him with the spirit of prophecy and revelation, empowering him to teach with the authority of God (Alma 17:2-3). He also joined Alma the Younger on a mission to the Zoramites, continuing his dedicated service to spreading the gospel (Alma 31:6-7). The record of Omner concludes after he returns from his labors, having been an instrument of God in promoting faith and establishing peace among the peoples of his time (Alma 35:14).

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