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Những môn đồ của Christ không phải là người Israel và không phải là người Nê Phi

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In His teachings to the Nephites, Jesus Christ spoke of other groups of His followers who were not among the Nephite or the Israelite peoples, which He referred to as His “other sheep.” During His visit to the Nephites in the Promised Land after His resurrection, He imparted the knowledge that His ministry extended beyond the familiar biblical lands and peoples. Christ declared, “And verily, verily, I say unto you that I have other sheep, which are not of this land, neither of the land of Jerusalem, neither in any parts of that land round about whither I have been to minister” (3 Nephi 16:1). This statement implies the existence of other disciples who had received His teachings and accepted Him as their Savior, but who were separate from the main body of Israelites and Nephites.

This group, referred to as the ‘other-other-sheep’ in the context of this inquiry, may represent additional populations that Christ visited and taught following His resurrection and ascension in Jerusalem, as part of His divine mission to gather His followers from the four corners of the earth. The scriptural record does not provide further specifics regarding their identity, location, or the details surrounding their interactions with Christ. However, their mention by Christ suggests their importance in the comprehensive scope of His Atonement and His desire that all His “sheep” should come to recognize His voice and follow Him, regardless of geographic or cultural boundaries.

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