Sa Rết

Chiến binh Gia Rết, đã chiến đấu chống lại Cô Ri An Tum Rơ

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Sa Rết

Shared was a Jaredite warrior who rose to prominence during the prolonged period of civil unrest and war that characterized the final years of the Jaredite civilization. Known for his ambition and military prowess, Shared opposed the rule of King Coriantumr, aiming to seize the throne for himself. His initial campaign was marked by success, as he managed to defeat Coriantumr, taking him captive in the third year of battle (Ether 13:23). This triumph, however, was short-lived; the sons of Coriantumr rallied in the following year, overcoming Shared’s forces and reestablishing their father as king (Ether 13:24).

Despite this setback, Shared continued his struggle for power, engaging in a series of alternating victories and defeats against Coriantumr. Their conflict culminated in a fierce battle in the valley of Gilgal, where after forcing Coriantumr’s army to retreat to the plains of Heshlon and then back to the valley of Gilgal, Shared was ultimately defeated. Coriantumr delivered a final, fatal blow to Shared, although not without sustaining a significant injury himself—a severe wound in his thigh that would incapacitate him for two years (Ether 13:30-31). The relentless warfare and aspirations of men like Shared contributed to the eventual downfall of the Jaredite nation, fulfilling the dire prophecies made by the prophet Ether.

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