Sem Non

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Sem Non

Shemnon was numbered among the inner circle of Jesus Christ’s disciples who were selected to minister to the Nephites after His resurrection. He is known primarily through his mention in a list of names as one who was called by the Savior to play a crucial role in the establishment and spiritual guidance of the Church among His followers in the Promised Land (3 Nephi 19:4). Although there are no detailed accounts of Shemnon’s individual acts or teachings, his inclusion in this select group signifies his righteousness and spiritual stature. The mission of these chosen disciples was to teach, baptize, and heal, as Jesus had taught them, in order to perpetuate His gospel. Shemnon, like his fellow chosen disciples, would have been instrumental in carrying out these sacred tasks, administering the ordinances of salvation, and testifying of Jesus Christ’s divinity and His atoning sacrifice. Being among those who had the Savior’s trust to continue His work on earth, Shemnon’s life would have been one dedicated to service and the sharing of Christ’s teachings with his people.

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