Giô Ram²

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Giô Ram²

Zoram, a figure central to the military history of the Nephites in approximately 81 B.C., held the significant charge of chief captain over their armies during a perilous time when the Lamanite forces posed a grave threat (Alma 16:5). His tenure saw the brutal devastation of the city of Ammonihah by the Lamanites, fulfilling a prophecy given by Alma, as well as the abduction of many Nephite citizens. Demonstrating both his faith and his duty as a leader, Zoram sought divine guidance through the high priest Alma to determine the best course of action to reclaim the captured Nephites.

The record accounts for two of Zoram’s sons, Lehi and Aha, who accompanied their father in the critical mission to rescue their fellow Nephites from Lamanite captivity. Reflective of the Nephite cultural emphasis on prophetic insight, Zoram and his sons earnestly desired and received revelation from Alma on where to find and how to approach the Lamanites. Acting on the intelligence and promise of success provided by the Lord through Alma, Zoram led his forces across the river Sidon and strategically into the south wilderness east of Sidon. This campaign culminated in a decisive victory for the Nephite army, the scattering of the Lamanite forces, and the complete recovery of the Nephite captives without any loss of life (Alma 16:7-8). This event not only solidified Zoram’s legacy as a capable military leader but also underscored the vital role that faith and prophecy played in the Nephite society’s confrontations with adversities.

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