Giô Ram³

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Giô Ram³

Zoram emerged as a Nephite dissenter and led a group known as the Zoramites. Around 74 B.C., he steered his followers to separate themselves from the mainstream Nephite society, forming a community within the land of Antionum. Notably, Zoram was instrumental in instigating the worship of idols among his people, directing them away from the teachings and commandments of the Lord, a transgression that was documented as perverting the Lord’s ways (Alma 31:1).

Aware of the spiritual crisis, Alma, the high priest, was grieved and set out to reclaim the lost by harnessing the persuasive power of the word of God. Accompanied by fellow missionaries like Ammon, Aaron, Omner, Amulek, Zeezrom, and two of his sons, Alma embarked on a mission to preach to the Zoramites in hopes of restoring their faith (Alma 31:5-6). The missionaries delivered profound sermons that delved into the principles of faith and the Atonement (Alma 32-34) but garnered limited success, with only a small number embracing the truth.

The Zoramites who converted sought refuge among the people of Ammon in the land of Jershon. Defiantly objecting to this migration, Zoram demanded that the Ammonites cast out the converts, a demand unheeded as the Ammonites welcomed and provided the converts with the support they needed (Alma 35:9). Frustrated by this setback and fueled by anger, Zoram subsequently prompted a dangerous alignment with the Lamanites, seeking their aid to further his cause and initiate a protracted conflict.

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