Mô Si A 3:3–27
Và vị ấy đã nói cùng tôi rằng:
Awake and rejoice!
The Lord will come among men
He will suffer temptation, pain, and death
His name is Jesus Christ
He will rise from the dead
His blood atones for sins
The rebellious must repent
Global missionary work
The law of Moses is for the stiffnecked
Signs and wonders
Children cannot sin
No salvation other than Christ
Become as little children
The natural man
Knowledge of the savior
None shall be blameless but the repentant
Redemption of the people
Consequences of sin
The cup of the wrath of God
A lake of fire and brimstone
Từ phần:
Lời Thông Điệp Từ Thiên Thần
Từ trang:
Bài Phát Biểu của Vua Bên Gia Min
Trước đó:
Mô Si A 3:2
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