Địa chỉ nhà hội của Mặc Môn

Giới thiệu

Mô Rô Ni 7:2–3
Mormon speaks to those of his brethren of the church who have obtained hope of entering into the rest of the Lord.
Mô Rô Ni 7:4
Mormon assesses this is the case based on his brethren’s demeanor with respect to others.

Phân Biệt Thiện và Ác

Mô Rô Ni 7:5
This assessment is based on God’s word which says that the goodness of individuals may be discerned by assessing the goodness of their works.
Mô Rô Ni 7:6–7
Evil people cannot sincerely do good—superficial piety is not beneficial.
Mô Rô Ni 7:8–9
Begrudging offerings and prayers offered without real intent are neither profitable nor received by God.
Mô Rô Ni 7:10–11
Actions, behaviors, and outputs correspond to the sources from which they flow.
Mô Rô Ni 7:12
God is the source of all good; the devil, in contrast, entices to evil.
Mô Rô Ni 7:13
All that which is inspired by God invites people to do good.
Mô Rô Ni 7:14
Beware not to confuse good with evil.
Mô Rô Ni 7:15
You have the capacity to discern good from evil.

Ánh sáng và Linh thánh của Đức Kitô

Mô Rô Ni 7:16
Everyone possesses the Spirit of Christ, which is the means through which good may be discerned from evil.
Mô Rô Ni 7:16
That which leads to Christ is assuredly a gift from God.
Mô Rô Ni 7:17
That which leads to evil or the denial Christ is of the devil or his angels.
Mô Rô Ni 7:18
This ability to discern is the light of Christ, which empowers correct judgment.

Niềm tin vào sự đến của Chúa Giêsu

Mô Rô Ni 7:19
Searching in the light of Christ to lay hold upon every good thing results in becoming children of Christ.
Mô Rô Ni 7:20–21
Faith relates to the ability to lay hold to every good thing.
Mô Rô Ni 7:22
Every good thing emerges from Christ, who was prophesied by angels and an all-knowing God.
Mô Rô Ni 7:23
The coming of Christ was foretold by God-inspired prophets.
Mô Rô Ni 7:24
Goodness is manifest by Christ in various ways, all of which counteract humanity’s fallen nature.
Mô Rô Ni 7:25
Until Christ came, humanity laid hold upon every good thing by exercising faith in Christ, as revealed by angels and the word of God.
Mô Rô Ni 7:26
After the coming of Christ, humanity continued to become saved children of Christ by faith in Christ’s name.
Mô Rô Ni 7:26
Jesus promised the Nephite disciples that their prayerful requests for good things will be granted.

Niềm tin vào quyền lực của Christ

Mô Rô Ni 7:27
Jesus may have ascended to heaven and been enthroned next to God, but miracles have not yet ceased.
Mô Rô Ni 7:28
Jesus, now dwelling in heaven, claims all those who faithfully lay hold upon good things.
Mô Rô Ni 7:29–30
Christ continues his work by dispatching angels to those who exhibit strong faith and godliness
Mô Rô Ni 7:31
Those who receive these angels call others to repentance, further the fulfillment the Father’s covenants, and declare the word of Christ unto the chosen.

Niềm tin vào quyền năng của Chúa Christ

Mô Rô Ni 7:32
By these means, the totality of humanity is empowered to have faith in Christ, receive the Holy Ghost, and further the work of the Father’s covenants.
Mô Rô Ni 7:33
Christ declared that faith in him will generate the power to do that which furthers his purposes.
Mô Rô Ni 7:34
Christ also issued a universal command to be saved by repenting, coming unto him, being baptized, and having faith.
Mô Rô Ni 7:35
Assuming these things are manifestly true, have miracles ceased?
Mô Rô Ni 7:36
Angels will continue to appear and the Holy Ghost will not be withheld so long as there are still people to be saved.
Mô Rô Ni 7:37
Faith enables miracles and angelic visits; unbelief disables them.
Mô Rô Ni 7:38
Salvation is contingent on miracles and angelic visits, and their absence is therefore an alarming signal.
Mô Rô Ni 7:39
Meekness indicates faith in Christ, which is a requirement for being included in the church.

Hy vọng từ Lời hứa của Đức Chúa Trời

Mô Rô Ni 7:40
Faith and hope are related—but what should be hoped for?
Mô Rô Ni 7:41–42
Hope is obtained after the faithful receive a promise that they will be resurrected and raised unto eternal life.
Mô Rô Ni 7:43–44
This faith and hope are contingent upon meekness and humility.

Tình Thương Quý Giá của Chúa Giêsu

Mô Rô Ni 7:44
Charity—a critical attribute—emerges among those who humbly confess Christ by the Spirit.
Mô Rô Ni 7:45
Charity embodies the best virtues found in humanity.
Mô Rô Ni 7:46
Charity is the greatest of all, it never fails, and its absence signals benightedness.
Mô Rô Ni 7:47
Charity is the pure of Christ, which endures forever—those who ultimately possess it will be well-off.
Mô Rô Ni 7:48
Pray for charity, which is given to true followers and children of Christ, and transfers his attributes to those who possess it.